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Activity compensation for reduced work capacity

Sickness compensation is compensation you can receive if you are between the ages of 19 and 29 and will not be able to work for at least one year due to sickness or a disability. During the time of activity compensation, you can receive support and help in returning to work.

Am I eligible for activity compensation?

You can receive activity compensation from July of the year you turn 19 and if you have a sickness or disability and

  • are unable to work now and for at least one year in any work in the entire labour market. This also applies to, for example, adapted work with a wage subsidy.
  • have a work capacity that is reduced completely or by three-fourths, half or one-fourth.
  • are insured in Sweden. You are insured in Sweden if you live or work here. You may have lived or worked in another country and still be insured in Sweden. If you lived or worked in Sweden, you may be entitled to activity compensation even if you now live in another country. Call our Customer Centre at 0771‑524 524 to learn what applies in your case.

Activity compensation can be granted for one to three years depending on how long your work capacity is reduced.

Keep in mind that you may have other insurance coverage

If you receive activity compensation, you may sometimes receive money from insurance coverage you have through your job or union. Ask them what applies for you.

How do I apply?

1. Apply on My pages (Mina sidor)

2. Your doctor or you must submit a medical statement

Most often, your doctor will send us a medical statement describing your illness or functional capacity. In such cases, you do not need to do anything. If your doctor does not do so, please submit a medical statement via Mina intyg (My certificates) on 1177 Vårdguiden.

Intyg (1177.se) External link, opens in new window.


Send in your medical statement to:

Försäkringskassans inläsningscentral
839 88 Östersund.

3. You will be assigned an administrator

Once we have received your application, an administrator will be assigned to investigate your application. He or she will contact you either by mail or phone. You will also be told at that time if any additional documents or information are needed.

If you have given another person power of attorney to handle your case, the administrator may need to speak with you anyway.

4. You will receive a decision

It normally takes 4 months before you receive a decision on activity compensation. However, it may take longer if the necessary documentation is missing, such as a medical statement.

  • If your application is granted, your administrator will plan with you what you should while you are receiving activity compensation.
  • If your application is rejected, your administrator will offer you a meeting with the Swedish Public Employment Service. The purpose of the meeting is to let you know how the Swedish Public Employment Service can support you and give you information about the conditions of unemployment insurance.

5. Disbursement

Information about when you receive your payments:

Utbetalningsdatum och handläggningstider (in Swedish) External link.

You may be entitled to a housing supplement

If you receive activity compensation, you may be entitled to housing supplement.

Housing supplement

You will receive a benefits certificate

When you have been granted activity compensation, we will send you a benefits certificate together with the decision. With the benefits certificate, you can get discounts from certain companies. The companies themselves decide whether they will give a discount, so we have no knowledge as to which companies give discounts.

If you need a new benefits certificate, you can call Försäkringskassan and order it.

What happens when I have activity compensation?

While you are receiving activity compensation, you and your administrator at Försäkringskassan will work together to plan how you can begin working or studying. If you are able to participate in occupational rehabilitation, you are obligated to participate based on your ability. Work-oriented rehabilitation is an effort that you need to start working, such as work training in a workplace. In order for you to receive the right efforts, Försäkringskassan cooperates with the Swedish Public Employment Service.

If you want to start working, or work more than you do, you should always call your administrator at Försäkringskassan. You plan together and the administrator will help you so that you get the right compensation.


Once you have been receiving activity compensation for at least a year, you can try working and have your compensation set to dormant status. This means that you will retain the right to activity compensation if it does not work out, but the compensation is not paid. During the time period you are working, you will also receive a tax-free amount equal to 25 percent of the dormant compensation. You can have dormant activity compensation for a maximum of two years. Remember you must apply for dormant compensation before you start working.

If you have to stop working, you must contact your administrator so you can get your compensation back.


You can try studying for six months

Once you have been receiving activity compensation for at least one year, you can keep the compensation if you want to try studying for a maximum of six months. You must apply before you start studying, otherwise you risk losing your compensation. Your administrator can give you more information.

Studying with dormant activity compensation

Once you have been receiving activity compensation for at least a year, you can have it set to dormant status while you study. This means that it is not paid out, but you retain your right to activity compensation if studying does not work out.

While you are studying, your entire compensation is set to dormant status, regardless of whether you are studying full time or part time. Your activity compensation can be dormant for a maximum of two years. If you were allowed to keep your activity compensation while testing out studying, the dormant period could be shorter. While you are a student, you can apply for student aid or another type of financial aid from CSN.

You must apply before you start studying, otherwise you will not be able to receive dormant compensation. You also risk losing your compensation. Your administrator can give you more information.

If you need to stop studying, you must contact your administrator so you can get your compensation back.


While you are receiving activity compensation, you can participate in different types of recreational activities that may be beneficial for you. Försäkringskassan can provide compensation for some of the costs you have for your activities. Participation in activities is voluntary, but they must not prevent or replace a work-oriented rehabilitation. To participate in an activity, contact your administrator before you begin the activity.

Call us if anything changes

If you are receiving activity compensation, you must call us and let us know if you

  • begin working or studying
  • begin working at a greater scope than before, for example if you receive one-half compensation but begin working full time.
  • receive a new or modified foreign pension, annuity, or such
  • move abroad
  • are given an additional volunteer task or the task changes in scope
  • you continue working after your decision on dormant activity compensation has expired
  • your work capacity improves, even if you do not work

Changes related to how much you work must be reported in advance. Other changes must be reported as soon as you find out about them. If you do not report changes, you may be obligated to pay back money if you received too much or received money that you were actually not entitled to.

When the activity compensation ends

Activity compensation is always time-limited. When the activity compensation period ends, there are different options and you will need to do some things.

Important thing to do – protect your right to receive sickness benefit

If you are unemployed, you must register with the Swedish Public Employment Service as a jobseeker on the first weekday of the month in which the activity compensation ends. You do this to protect your right to receive sickness benefit if you become ill later on. If you worked before you received activity compensation, the sickness benefit is based on your previous sickness benefit qualifying income (SGI).

If you have not worked previously and you have had activity compensation up to and including the month before you turned 30, you may be entitled to sickness benefit in special cases.

Your administrator can give you more information.

You can also read more in the SGI Guide.

This is what you may be entitled to:


You can get sickness benefit if you are unable to work because of illness. If you have not had any work income in the past, you can receive sickness benefit in special cases. You must have a medical certificate that proves you are ill and unable to work from the first day of illness.

You must report that you are sick

If you want to apply for sickness benefit directly after your activity compensation ends, you must first report that you are ill. You must do this on the first weekday of the month in which the activity compensation has ended. You can register a sickness report on forsakringskassan.se.


When you are not entitled to activity compensation and are enrolled at the Swedish Public Employment Service and are participating in vocational rehabilitation, you may be entitled to rehabilitation benefit.

You can apply through My pages.


If you want a new activity compensation period, you must submit a new application. A new medical statement may also be needed. Your administrator can answer that question if necessary. It may take around four months to process an application, so apply well before the compensation ends.

You can apply through My pages.


If you are unable to work now or in the future, you may be entitled to sickness compensation. You then need to submit an application and a current medical statement. Your administrator can help you decide if you need a new statement or not.

You can apply through My pages.

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