If you are studying and are infected with a disease considered a public health hazard
Here you will find out what you need to do if you are studying and are or may be infected with a disease considered a public health hazard.
Can I keep my student funding while I'm infected?
If a doctor suspends you from studying for a certain period, you may be allowed to keep your student funding during that period. This applies if you
- are studying with student funding from CSN
- are or may be infected with a disease considered a public health hazard (e.g. Covid-19)
- have a medical certificate showing that your doctor has suspended you from studying
- cannot study at all, not even remotely.
You may also be entitled to reimbursement for travel that is required, in connection with medical examinations for example.
Apply to keep your student funding
- If you are informed that you have been infected with a disease considered a public health hazard, you must obtain a medical certificate. The certificate must state that the doctor is suspending you from studying.
- Print out this form, fill it in and send it to us. Attach the medical certificate.
7550 Application for disease carrier’s benefit (in Swedish)Pdf, 235 kB.
- We will send our decision to you.
- We will notify CSN of the decision.
When will I receive the decision?
Processing normally takes 30 days from the date when your application is received. It may take more time if we need to request more information. In order to speed up the processing of your application, it is good if you submit an application for the entire period. You can therefore apply once you have returned to your studies.
Can I receive travel allowance because I am a disease carrier
If you have been infected or may have en infected with a disease considered a public health hazard, you can be reimbursed for trips you need to make in connection with medical examinations, health checks or treatments.
When you apply, you need to submit receipts for your travel expenses
- receipts showing that the trips were for care under the Communicable Diseases Act.
How do I apply?
1. Apply
2. Submit your receipts
3. Disbursement
Processing normally takes 30 days from the date when your application is received. It may take more time if we need to request more information. Disbursement is not paid out on a fixed date but will be paid once we have completed the processing work.
Related links
Learn more about Försäkringskassan
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