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Pregnancy benefit

If you are pregnant, you may be entitled to pregnancy benefit if you have a physically demanding job or you work in a risky environment and your employer cannot transfer you to other tasks.

Am I eligible for pregnancy benefit?

You may be entitled to pregnancy benefit if you are pregnant and

  • your employer cannot transfer you to an easier or less risky job. (Only applies to employees and not the self-employed.)
  • cannot work because you have a physically demanding work or there are risks in your work environment.
  • lose work income. You can get 25, 50, 75 or 100 percent pregnancy benefit.
  • are insured in Sweden. This is usually the case if you live or work here.
  • have a sickness benefit qualifying income (SGI).

If you need pregnancy benefit because of a physically demanding job, you can get compensation earliest from the 60th day before the estimated date of birth.

If your employer has prohibited you from continuing your work because of risks in the work environment, you can get pregnancy benefit as of the day the prohibition was imposed. If you are self-employed, you yourself cannot certify that you are unable to work because of risks in your work environment. That must be done by a work environment specialist.

If you are not entitled to pregnancy benefit, you have the option of applying for parental benefit from the 60th day before the estimated date of birth.

How do I apply?


1. Notify your employer

Talk to your employer about how much you can work. The employer must always investigate the possibility of relocating you. If that is not possible, you can apply for pregnancy benefit.

2. Apply on My pages (Mina sidor)

Log in to My pages (Mina sidor) to apply for pregnancy benefit. Normally, you cannot receive compensation for any time before you applied for pregnancy benefit.

In addition to the application, we need:

  • a pregnancy certificate. You can get that from your prenatal clinic.
  • a statement from your employer

7206 Statement from employer regarding the relocation of a pregnant employee Pdf, 777 kB.

If you apply for pregnancy benefit because of physically demanding work tasks, your application must state clearly what aspects of your working day are physically demanding and how being pregnant affects the way you perform your work tasks.

3. You will receive a decision

If your application is complete and we have received the statement from your employer, you will receive a decision within 30 days. If we need more information, we will contact you as soon as possible.

4. Send in the declaration

After you have received your decision, you must send in a declaration where you write which days you have not been able to work or will not be able to work. You then submit the declaration via My pages (Mina sidor).

5. Disbursement

Special disbursement dates and processing times

6. Report changes

It is important that you inform us if your salary or working hours change.


1. Apply on My pages (Mina sidor)

Log in to My pages (Mina sidor) to apply for pregnancy benefit. Normally, you cannot get compensation for any time before you applied for pregnancy benefit.

In addition to the application, we need a pregnancy certificate. You can get that from your prenatal clinic.

If you apply for pregnancy benefit because of physically demanding work tasks, your application must state clearly what aspects of your working day are physically demanding and how being pregnant affects the way you perform your work tasks.

If you are self-employed and are applying because of risks in your work environment, you must submit a special medical statement from a work environment specialist. A work environment specialist may be a doctor with specialist certification in occupational medicine, occupational and environmental medicine, or occupational healthcare. It could also be an occupational hygienist who works at an occupational or environmental medicine clinic. You can contact your region for more information on how to get in touch with a work environment specialist.

7204 Special medical statement for a pregnant self-employed person exposed to risks in the work environment (in Swedish) Pdf, 718 kB.

2. You will receive a decision

If your application is complete, you will receive a decision within 30 days.

If we need more information, we will contact you as soon as possible.

3. Send in the declaration

After you have received your decision, you must send in a declaration where you write which days you have not been able to work or will not be able to work. You then submit the declaration via My pages (Mina sidor).

4. Disbursement

Special disbursement dates and processing times

5. Report changes

It is important that you inform us if your salary or working hours change.

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