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Employee with a disability

Does your employee have a disability, or are you considering hiring a person who has a disability? Here you can read about what support you as an employer can receive.

Support for you as an employer

If you are planning to hire a person with a disability, Arbetsförmedlingen (The Swedish Public Employment Service) offers different allowances to you as an employer. This means that you can receive financial support for your employee to be able to do their work.

Arbetsförmedlingen (arbetsformedlingen.se) External link.

Allowance for assistive devices?

There is support available for adapting the workplace to suit different types of disabilities. Do you want to hire a person who needs assistive devices, or has the employee been employed for a maximum of 12 months? If so, you need to turn to Arbetsförmedlingen.

If the employee has worked for you for more than 12 months, Försäkringskassan can pay the allowance.

Who should apply – the employer or employee?

If the assistive device or apparatus entails that a machine or premises need to be rebuilt, you as an employer should apply.

The employee can apply for an allowance for assistive devices that are needed in his/her own work and which is outside the employer's normal responsibility for the working environment.

Allowance for assistive devices

Grants to investigate how the workplace can be adapted

If you as an employer need to identify what support an employee with disabilities needs to be able to work in the workplace, you can get workplace-oriented rehabilitation support. This is an allowance for the purpose of investigating, planning, initiating, implementing and following up on workplace-oriented actions. It may involve suitable assistive devices, adaptation of the premises or machines and other measures that help employees with different disabilities to work.


Special high risk protection entails that you as an employer can receive compensation for your sick pay costs if the employee is at risk of having long periods of illness or of being sick often.

Employees who are sick often can also be exempt from a qualifying deduction.

The employee is covered by the special high risk protection if it is likely that illness or a disability will cause them to be

  • sick often (more than ten times in one year), or
  • sick for a long period of time (more than 28 consecutive days).

Special high-risk protection


You as an employer can hire a person who has sickness or activity compensation without them losing the right to compensation. This applies when the employee has been receiving compensation for more than one year. Before your intended employee starts working again, they must contact Försäkringskassan to apply for permission to retain their right to sickness compensation or activity compensation. After the employee has applied, they can start working immediately.

Sickness compensation

Activity compensation

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