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Sickness compensation

If you are not able to work full time, now or in the future, due to chronic sickness or a disability, you may be eligible for sickness compensation. To receive it you also have to be between the ages of 19 and 64.

Am I eligible for sickness compensation?


You can be eligible for sickness compensation from July the year you turn 19. You are also eligible:

  • If you have a sickness or a disability.
  • If you are unable to work, now or in the future, in any open position on the entire job market. This includes positions with wage subsidy (so called adapted work).
  • If you are insured in Sweden.

Insured in Sweden

You may also be eligible for activity compensation if you are able to work at a reduced capacity in the near future. Reade more about this compensation and what applies if you are under 30 below.

Activity compensation for reduced work capacity


When you are 30 years and above you can be eligible for sickness compensation:

  • If you only can work a maximum of 75 percent due to sickness or a disability.
  • If you have a chronic sickness or disability.
  • If you are insured in Sweden, which generally is the case if you live and work here.

Insured in Sweden

Ability to work is assessed

Your ability to work is assessed differently depending on your age and work experience.

If you are younger than 59 years and 11 months your work ability is assessed in relation to all jobs on the labour market. This includes positions with a wage subsidy.

If you are 59 years and 11 months or older* your work ability is assessed differently depending on your working experience:

  • If you have had a regular job for 15 years. Your work ability is then determined in relation to the jobs during this period.
  • If you have had no regular job for 15 years. Your work ability is then determined in relation to all positions in the labour market.

*The age limit for the assessment will be raised to 60 years and 11 moths from January 1, 2023. This is due to a government decision to raise the age limit for sickness compensation from 65 to 66 years of age.

How do I apply?

1. Apply on My pages (Mina sidor)

You must fill in the application for sickness compensation for us to be able to move forward with your case. You apply fro sickness compensation by logging in to My pages (Mina sidor).


2. Send in a doctor's statement

After completing your application, send in a doctor's statement that describes your illness or disability to:

Försäkringskassans inläsningscentral
839 88 Östersund

It is usually the doctor you normally see who describes your medical status in a statement.

Försäkringskassan may request that another doctor or medical expert examine you and assess your capacity to work.

3. We contact you

Once we have received your application, an administrative officer will be assigned to investigate your application. They will contact you by mail or phone once they have begun the investigation. You will also be told if any additional documents or information is needed at that time.

If you gave another person power of attorney to handle your case, the administrative officer may need to meet with you anyway.

4. You receive a decision

In most cases, you will receive your decision within 4 months of the date you applied.

If your application for sickness compensation is rejected, Försäkringskassan may offer a meeting with the Public Employment Service. The purpose of the meeting is to provide information on what support is available from the Public Employment Service. Your administrative officer can tell you more.

5. Disbursement

Sickness compensation is paid out on the 18th or 19th of every month.

Special disbursement dates and processing times

6. We follow up on your case

You receive sickness compensation for an indefinite term. This means that you will receive it until the month before your 65th birthday, provided nothing happens to affect your sickness compensation before this.

Your work capacity can change over time. In certain cases, treatments or medicines may become available that can improve your work capacity. For this reason, we perform a follow-up every few years.

In the follow-up, we review your information and contact you in necessary. Once the follow-up has been completed, we will send a letter to you.

You may be entitled to additional forms of compensation

If you receive sickness compensation, you may be entitled to housing supplement.

Housing supplement

You will receive a benefits certificate

When you have been granted sickness compensation, we will send you a benefits certificate together with the decision. With the benefits certificate, you can get discounts from certain companies. The companies themselves decide whether they will give a discount, so we have no knowledge as to which companies give discounts.

If you need a new benefits certificate, you can call Försäkringskassan and order it.

What am I allowed to do while receiving sickness compensation?

You always have the right to play an active part in society, such as by being active in a club or association. What is important is if it can be equated to work.

You can work or study with sickness compensation


If you feel capable and wish to do so, you can work, study or volunteer and still retain your right to sickness compensation. This applies if you received a sickness compensation decision prior to 1 July 2008 and have not received a decision on a higher degree of sickness compensation since then.

If you intend to work for an income you must apply to be allowed to work with sickness compensation. No application is required if you want to study or serve as a volunteer.

What should I do if I want to work?

Before beginning to work, you must apply for recalculation of sickness compensation (continuous deduction). After this, you can begin working immediately. If you are receiving sickness compensation part time, you only need to apply if you want to increase your working hours. For example, if you are receiving 50 percent sickness compensation, you must apply if you want to work more than 50 percent.

Continuous deduction means that your sickness compensation is reduced if you earn more than a certain amount. Call our Customer Centre at 0771‑524 524 if you would like to learn more.

There is no time limit for how long you can work and still retain your sickness compensation, but you must reapply before the start of each new calendar year that you work.

Apply on My pages (Mina sidor)

If you cannot apply via My pages (Mina sidor), you can apply using the form:

7280 Application for recalculation of sickness compensation upon work Pdf, 1 MB.

What happens if I start working without applying?

If you do not apply for recalculation of your sickness compensation before you start working, the rules of continuous deduction will no longer apply to you. This could result in you no longer being entitled to sickness compensation. There is also a risk that Försäkringskassan will require you to pay back compensation.

What should I do if I want to study?

You can begin studying immediately without losing your right to compensation. You do not need to apply or notify us.

What should I do if I want to do volunteer work?

You can do volunteer work and still retain your sickness compensation. Volunteer work can include performing tasks for an association or helping a friend or relative. You do not need to apply to or notify Försäkringskassan provided you do not receive any fee or wages for the work. If you receive a fee or wages, you must contact us.


Once you have been receiving sickness compensation for at least one year, you can try working and have your compensation set to dormant status. This means that you retain your right to sickness compensation if you were to become sick again. During the time period you are working, you will also receive a tax-free amount equal to 25 percent of the dormant compensation. Your sickness compensation can be dormant for a maximum of two years.

What should I do if I want to work?

Apply for dormant compensation before you begin working.

If you cannot apply via My pages (Mina sidor), you can apply using the form:

5042 Application for dormant sickness compensation or activity compensation while working Pdf, 1 MB.

What happens if I want to work a little each week?

You can work just a little, for example doing political or volunteer work, and still retain your entire sickness compensation. This applies if you:

  • have full sickness compensation
  • work less than 5 hours a week
  • earn no more than one-eighth of the normal income for the work you are doing.

But, you must report this to us before you begin. Call the Customer Centre at 0771‑524 524. They will help you.

Who arranges work?

You can arrange work on your own or you can ask for assistance from the Public Employment Service. If you are receiving 75 percent sickness compensation and want to work more, contact your administrative officer. They will contact the Public Employment Service, which should be able to offer you work within 6 months.

What should I do if I want to study?

Once you have been receiving sickness compensation for at least one year, you can have it set to dormant status while you study. This means that it is not paid out, but you retain your right to sickness compensation if you were to become sick again.

While you are studying, your entire compensation is set to dormant status, regardless of whether you are studying full time or part time. Your sickness compensation can be dormant for a maximum of two years. While you are a student, you can apply for student aid or another type of financial aid from CSN.

You must apply before you begin studying.

If you cannot apply via My pages (Mina sidor), you can apply using the form:

5043 Application for dormant sickness compensation or activity compensation during studies Pdf, 1 MB.

Your sickness compensation can be dormant for a maximum of two years. While you are a student and are no longer receiving sickness compensation, you can apply for student aid or another type of financial aid from CSN.

Report changes!

You must report all changes that could affect your right to or the size of your compensation. This applies, for example, if:

  • you begin working or studying
  • you begin working at a greater scope than before, for example if you receive one-half compensation but begin working full time.
  • you are given an additional volunteer task or the task changes in scope
  • you continue working after your decision on dormant activity compensation has expired
  • your work capacity improves, even if you do not work
  • you receive a new or modified foreign pension, annuity, or the like
  • you move abroad.

Changes related to how much you work must be reported in advance. Other changes must be reported as soon as you find out about them. If you do not report changes, you may be obliged to pay back money if you received too much or should not have been receiving compensation.

Last updated: