Work in several countries within the EU/EEA or Switzerland and United Kingdom
Here you can read about what applies if you work in several different EU/EEA countries or Switzerland and United Kingdom. This information does not apply to people who are posted for a limited time period.
Work refers to all types of gainful employment, regardless of scope. When you work remotely, the work usually counts as being performed in the country where you are physically located, even if your employer or client is in another country.
If you are posted for a limited period, you can find information about posting on the Work within the EU/EEA or Switzerland page.
Work in the EU/EEA or Switzerland
Should I report to Försäkringskassan that I am working abroad?
Yes, if you live in Sweden and work in at least two different EU/EEA countries or Switzerland, you should report it to Försäkringskassan so that we can investigate which country's social insurance legislation you should be covered by. You can do this by applying for certificate A1 by using My pages (Mina sidor).
Your employer shall use this form to complete the application:
Upload the form in your application.
Remember to attach employment certificates for all of your employments. It should indicate how much you work for each employer or client in each country.
If you own your own business, you must also submit documents showing that your own company in Sweden is active.
If you are working as a flight or cabin crew you need to submit documents that show where you are stationed and which countries you fly to and from, such as employment contracts and work schedules.
If you live in another EU/EEA country or Switzerland and United Kingdom and work in at least two different EU/EEA countries or Switzerland and United Kingdom, you should instead report it to the authority equivalent to Försäkringskassan in the country where you live. That authority will then investigate which country's social insurance legislation you are to be covered by.
What happens after I have reported this?
Once you have reported this to us, we will investigate which country's social insurance legislation you should be covered by. If we come to the conclusion that you are to be covered by
- Swedish legislation we will send you a certificate A1. You present the certificate in the country where you are working so they know that you can receive compensation from Försäkringskassan and pay social security contributions in Sweden.
- another country's legislation, we will contact the equivalent of Försäkringskassan there. You will then receive your certificate A1 from that country.
You cannot be covered by the social security legislation of two countries at the same time. The compensation you can receive and the social security contributions you or your employer should pay varies from country to country. Therefore, find out what applies in the country whose legislation you are covered by.
Your type of employment may affect which country's social insurance legislation you are covered by
Here you can read about which country's social insurance legislation applies to you when you work in different countries, based on the employment that you have.