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If you have been granted a residence permit in Sweden

Here, you can read about what applies for you when you have a permanent or temporary residence permit in Sweden.

Social insurance if you have been granted a residence permit in accordance with the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive

You can have the right to certain benefits from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency (Försäkringskassan) if you work in Sweden. For example, if you have a job and you fall ill you can apply for sickness benefit.

If you have been granted a residence permit in accordance with the EU´s Temporary Protection Directive and you have lived in Sweden for less than two years, you will not be able to be registered as a resident of Sweden. This means that you do not have the right to the same benefits that residents of Sweden have, for example child care benefit.

If you are registered as a resident, you have the right to the same benefits as other registered residents in Sweden. The Swedish Tax Agency has information about when you are able to be listed in the Swedish Population Register.

Coming to Sweden from Ukraine (Skatteverket.se) External link, opens in new window.

The Swedish Migration Agency (Migrationsverket) has more information about what applies for people coming to Sweden as a refugee.

The situation in Ukraine - Swedish Migration Agency (migrationsverket.se) External link, opens in new window.

This information is available in other languages.

Інформація для тих, хто отримав дозвіл на проживання в Швеції згідно з Директивою Європейського Союзу про тимчасовий захист (Ukrainska) - Försäkringskassan (forsakringskassan.se)

Информация для тех, кто получил разрешение на проживание в Швеции согласно Директиве Европейского Союза о временной защите (ryska) - Försäkringskassan (forsakringskassan.se)

När du har fått uppehållstillstånd i Sverige

What am I entitled to from Försäkringskassan?

Försäkringskassan is a government agency that pays out money to families with children, as well as individuals with a disability or illness. In general terms, the money is called compensation.

When you have been granted a permanent or temporary residence permit in Sweden you may be entitled to money from Försäkringskassan.

On the web page Introduction to the Swedish social insurance you will find information about what Försäkringskassan is, who can receive compensation from Försäkringskassan and how to apply.

Introduction to the Swedish social insurance

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