Forms in other languages
Here is a selection of our forms translated to other languages. There are forms in English, Finnish, French, Italian, Polish, Spanish and German.
Forms in English
Information for registration in Försäkringskassan
Moving to or working in another country
- 2570 Application relief of obligation to pay maintenance (remission)
Pdf, 2 MB.
- 2572 Application to delay payment (respite)
Pdf, 986 kB.
- 5251 Agreement on child support
Pdf, 690 kB.
- 5252 Agreement on child support – for a child aged 18 or over who is still studying
Pdf, 704 kB.
Activity compensation and Sickness compensation
- 5007 Application - Activity compensation for impaired working capacity
Pdf, 851 kB.
- 3030 Application - sickness compensation
Pdf, 869 kB.
- 7281 Notify changed income if you have sickness compensation
Pdf, 723 kB.
Activity grant, development allowance and introduction benefit
- 7114 Application for activity grant, development allowance and Introduction benefit
Pdf, 846 kB.
- 7110 Application - Supplementary introduction benefit
Pdf, 785 kB.
- 7112 Application - Housing allowance
Pdf, 738 kB.
Medical care
5435 - Application for a certificate of entitlement to medical care Pdf, 908 kB.
Power of attorney
5607 - Power of attorney - appointing a representative Pdf, 718 kB.
Lomakkeet suomeksi
Lapsen elatus
- 2570 Hakemus – Vapautus elatusvelasta (myönnytys)
Pdf, 2 MB.
- 5251 Sopimus lapsen elatusavusta
Pdf, 706 kB.
- 5252 Sopimus lapsen elatusavusta 18‑vuotiaalle opiskelevalle lapselle
Pdf, 692 kB.
- 2572 Hakemus – Maksuvelvollisuuden lykkäys
Pdf, 953 kB.
Aktivointikorvaus ja sairauskorvaus
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